Thursday, July 30, 2009

would you care to join me for dinner?

Well, I've been here for almost 5 weeks now, so I guess it's time I actually cook my first meal in my apartment. As many of you know, when I haven't gone out for dinner, I've been living off peanut butter and banana, cereal, or ice cream. Which is a delicious existence, but I miss cooking. Our kitchen is meager at best; we aren't here for more than a few months so we haven't really stocked it. But even a small kitchen can cook, as they say, so tonight I decided to give it a go. This shot shows pretty much the whole kitchen. There is a sink and some more counter space to the right, but this gives you a good sense of what we're working with: a few pots and pans, a gas burner, a cutting board, some basic utensils, and 2 dull knives.

So what did I cook during my bold new adventure? Pasta. Lame, I know. But it's easy and not indian, so exactly what I was going for tonight. I couldn't find pasta sauce in the market, so I made a simple "sauce" of tomatoes, garlic, eggplant, and peppers. And these seasonings from pizza delivery were crucial:

And I forgot that we don't own a strainer. Or forks. But no matter, it all worked out. Here is the finished product:

And then, as long as I was already getting sweaty in the kitchen (seriously, no fan + open flame + hot climate...this is a good reminder of why I haven't been cooking), why stop at one meal when I could cook 2?! Everyone in my office eats lunch together and shares what they brought. I typically have my lunch delivered and share that; but tomorrow I will have my own home cooking to contribute. My kitchen has 3 spices (other than the pizza packets): garam masala, turmeric, and salt. I used them all to season cauliflower, greenbeans, tomatoes, corn, peppers, and lentils. Then I threw in some crispy millet snack that I had for some crunch. Seems to have turned out pretty darn well, but we'll see how the office reacts:
Thanks for joining me for dinner (and lunch!). One final cooking note: my kitchen also features this pressure cooker. I'm pretty sure it's very handy, but I have no idea how to use it. any words of advice?


  1. mmmm jenny that looks yummy!!! i expect you to make B and I dinner when you get back, so keep at it! :-)

  2. I would stick away from the pressure cooker - - - they can be lethal weapons if you don't know how to use them!

  3. 1. Why don't you have forks? How do you eat cake?
    2. Please don't blow yourself up with the pressure cooker!
    3. You should cook that millet trick for Charlie when you get back, I'm sure he misses it!
