Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

It may be cheesy, but I love the 4th of July. I love fireworks, bbqs, pool parties, and all the other fun things that come with this spectacular holiday. Like freedom. So I was naturally a little disappointed to be spending the 4th in Delhi. Boy was I wrong. The U.S. Embassy here through a fantastic little party on their baseball field (yes, the embassy has a baseball field in the compound. they apparently have softball leagues).

It was a bit of a mash up of field day and the 4th, including watermelon eating contests, tug of war, fireworks, and a dancefloor with a DJ. (ok, DJ is not typical independence day fare, but it was still amazing.) The marines actually lost to the "kids" in a tug of war contest, and trust me, it wasn't because they were being nice. (I think it's because some of the kids were 17 and just shy of being marines themselves.) And, in a stunning display of athleticism, my roommate Brian and I won the 3-legged race and were awarded 2 bottles of wine. Brian made a fantastic video of the event, which I will link to soon.

My all-American meal of cheeseburger (real beef!), french fries, and margarita. There was plenty of American food all around, including Sbarro, Baskin Robbins, apple crisp, etc. And of course other national favorites, like quesadillas.

If I were planning an outdoor party in July in India, I'm not sure ice sculptures would have been my first thought, and I'm not really sure what they were supposed to say, but it was a nice touch nonetheless.
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  1. Looks like you had a blast my love and were able to get both your traditional American food (burgers with actual beef) and your favorite food group: Mexican!

    I know have a ringer for three legged races so we will have to use that to our advantage moving forward.

  2. Heeee, ice sculptures, poor decision. Unless you could rub against them to cool off in the heat?

    Also, way to go on your epic victory :)

  3. I think its supposed to say "*Frank from Donny Darko*" "4" "*Frank from Donny Darko*"
