Sunday, June 28, 2009

first impressions

It’s hot. I knew it would be. But “knowing” it and “experiencing” it turn out to be two very different things. Which I suppose is part of why I am here. I could learn plenty of facts and details about India by reading books and doing research, but that’s not the same as actually walking around a market and being assaulted with the colors and smells and yes, the heat. I never knew that I was capable of sweating this profusely. Everything in the apartment is warm to the touch, including the “cold” water. And it’s always encouraging when everyone you meet says “oh this is the worst time to come to India, especially Delhi!” As I have a comfortable temperature range of approximately two degrees, this is going to take some getting used to. (As a side note, at the airport you have to go through a health screening for H1N1. The questions primarily concern whether or not you have a fever. They then tell you that if you develop a fever and cough to go to a hospital for testing immediately. Given how hot it is, I have absolutely no idea how I would tell if I had a fever. Guess I’ll be on the lookout for a cough?)

I finally arrived in Delhi Saturday night at 8:30. Though no one was available to meet me at the airport, I was armed with very exact directions from my roommate and felt confident that I could figure it out. I got in a cab and was on my way. It went pretty smoothly, though there was small moment of concern when the driver suddenly pulled over at a random building, said “I’ll be back in 2 minutes! Have to meet a friend!” and just left. I was contemplating my next move, but sure enough, he came back and we continued on. After a few wrong turns, we finally found my new abode. I met my landlords and downstairs neighbor, all of whom are warm and friendly. After unpacking quickly, it was time for bed. Despite being exhausted, however, the heat made it difficult to sleep. So by 8 am, having already been awake for hours, I realized it was cooler outside than inside. Therefore, it was time to venture around the neighborhood. Of course, being Sunday, essentially nothing was open at that hour. I did manage to find large bottles of water, and after some considerable wandering, a small internet booth (café is certainly not the correct term here). I’m pretty sure the computer was from 1983, but it connected to my email and thus served its purpose.

A short nap this afternoon was disrupted slightly when the power went out and the fans stopped. I’m told this happens pretty frequently in the summer, so I wasn’t surprised. But it did prompt me to wander back into the market, which was now much livelier. I explored the shoe shops, the food vendors, acquired a few light cotton shirts, got more acquainted with my new neighborhood. It’s a little overwhelming, but that’s to be expected. All in all, I think I’m going to like it here.


  1. I wish I were there to explore with you, Jenny! (Or theoretically I wish it...your description of the heat kind of makes me grateful I'm in my air-conditioned living room at the moment). Miss you!!! I'm so glad you're doing this blog!

  2. I love the spirit of adventure and possibility you're bringing to your trip, Jenny. Yes it's dreadfully hot. And yes, you're sweating more than you've ever sweated before. But I am confident that even the legendary heat can't supress your legendary energy. Hang in there!
